Our innovation by design workshops reveal the innovative potential of your collaborators

Innovation by design workshops are moments of exchange, aiming to use the energy of the group to initiate innovative practices by calling on collective intelligence. They develop a sense of belonging through the sharing of know-how and holistic experiences.
Our workshops are designed to change the mindset and create an innovative and collaborative culture within your teams. The research methods and tools focus on a contextual and holistic approach. This approach opens up a better understanding of the world and the ever-changing needs of customers and end-users.
These workshops last from 1 to 3 days depending on the objective of the organisation or group of individuals (longer sessions can be organised if necessary). The sessions are interactive and the group dynamics are discussed with the organisers in advance to ensure an engaging experience for all participants.
These in-company workshops allow you to work on one of your issues, which is taken as the “common thread” of the workshop.
Browse our A.R.T. (Anticipation – Resilience – Transition) workshop programme which is designed to help companies to anticipate the impacts of economic and technological change, to become more resilient in the face of disruption and transition to a sustainable future. It uses a holistic approach to assess risks and opportunities, and puts strategies in place to manage uncertainty.
Our team can help you make your choice and select the most appropriate module for your situation.