Resilient by design
Designing from our vulnerabilities

In this module, DESIGN STATION offers a workshop that links the design of products, services and systems to a resilient vision.
Resilience is a multifaceted lens that balances proactivity and reactivity to illuminate solutions to disruptions.
In this module participants will be exposed to a creative approach that will help them discover the factors that explain the many intrinsic (physical) and extrinsic (non-physical) aspects of resilience.
Systems that are resilient both ‘resist’ and ‘adapt’ to external physical, psychological and social forces.
It is this essence of adaptability that differentiates resilience from
However, the resilience of products and systems is only part of the picture. No less important is the resilience of the business and its support systems that drive these product developments.
A participatory method, a mix of rigour and flexibility to stimulate the creativity of the participants. The supervisors never guide the working groups and are there to help the participants bring out innovative ideas through their own experiences. It is based on theoretical contributions and the experiences of the supervisors.
To rethink and question the creative thinking of designers and understand the stakes of the contextual scripting approach. To help designers position themselves in a context of ecological, geopolitical, economic and societal tensions.
Discovery Workshop - 1 day (7 Hours)
Morning 9am - 12pm
- Different contexts of resilience
- State of play and key to understanding the global context
- Intrinsic and extrinsic fragility of modern society
- Contextual analysis map
- Diagnosis: from a static to a dynamic approach
- Characteristics of resilient systems
- Process & Examples
In plenary session:
- Definition of the "focal issue" or issues to be addressed in the innovation process
- Analysis and understanding of the global and specific context
- Elements of change and driving forces that could affect our future: - Variables / Vectors / Trends / Counter-movements / Structural certainties / Driving forces / Pulls
Afternoon 2pm - 5pm
Group session: development of the creative process within the different interest groups.
In each working group, we must first identify the driving forces and breaking points in relation to the theme
- Contextual driving forces.
- Identification of breaking points and uncertainties
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of the Situation
- Define intrinsic factors
- Defining the extrinsic factors
- Correlation with the previously defined focal issue.
- Concept generation and ideation
Identify for each proposed concept the four main characteristics that contribute to resilience and interpret them in the context of the situations discussed above.
- Diversity - existence of multiple forms and behaviours;
- Efficiency - performance with modest resource consumption;
- Adaptability - flexibility to change in response to new pressures;
- Cohesion - existence of unifying forces or links
Finalising and contextualising the concepts
The result of this day will be a concept book and will be materialised by a use case in relation to the focal issue developed for each interest group. A summary booklet will be produced by Design Station and sent to participants in digital form.