Being one step ahead to anticipate problems and solutions.

In an economic, social, political and cultural world (…) that is constantly changing, we must continually project ourselves into the future in order to not be overtaken by events and to participate in their construction.
This period of change is rich in opportunities that we must seize with optimism and creativity. We have dedicated our activity to elaborate with our client partners the strategies, protocols and projects that will support this evolution.
Our team, dedicated to an ethical approach and a more resilient practice, has set itself the mission to accomplish, to convince, to federate and to transform, with the will to be a committed and responsible actor.
Scientists tell us that even if drastic measures are taken today, climate disruption will continue to progress and biodiversity will continue to decline, and the effects will probably not be felt for decades or centuries. It is therefore important to put in place adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts on people, communities and ecosystems.
Design Station takes as its central principle the need for societal transitions to a more sustainable future with the belief that design has a key role to play in these transitions and in how change manifests itself and can be initiated/directed (in ecosystems, organisations, communities/society, economies and even individuals).